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Community Ambassadors (CA) are undergraduate student peer leaders who plan and implement outreach activities, 担任社区服务活动的项目负责人, 并为通勤者提供声音. 

Housing Ambassadors (HA) and Student Service Ambassadors (SSA) play a critical role as supporters of both future and current OHIO students. 学生雇员在各个领域工作, 包括在校园活动期间展示他们的房间, 在生活学习中心和杰斐逊大厅工作, 同时为学生协调多个校园活动.

The Office Assistant (OA) position assists residents with key issues in the residence halls. Issues may consist of being locked out of your room, lost key, or bent keys. The position also supports the main 住房和居住生活 office with projects as assigned. 在宿舍以外的办公时间, 如果你无法进入你的房间, the Welcome Desk at the Living Learning Center (LLC) is the place to go for assistance. 

A Resident Advisor (RA) is a student staff member who is responsible for a floor or living area within a residence hall. 作为指定区域的一线工作人员, the RA is responsible for serving as a mentor and guide to their residents while also facilitating a cooperative and inclusive community. This is a people-oriented position in which the RA is expected to initiate relationships with residents, 鼓励学生参加社团活动, 并告知居民大学和部门的政策. In addition, 学生助理协助学生处理个人和学业方面的问题, 调解人际冲突, 并为居民提供信息资源.

The Senior Resident Advisor (SRA), like an RA, is a student who resides in hall. The SRA has the responsibility of assisting the complex RD or GRD in advising the complex council, 协调复杂的编程工作, 并协助更换房间.


Hall Council

Hall Council acts as a way for students to become active in their residential community. Hall council gives a voice to the student will and student needs within a particular building or complex. It allows you to make the community around you a better place to live and learn.

Roles of a Council

As the department has examined and clarified the roles of the hall councils, 已经确定了三个主要角色. These roles flow directly from the departmental goals, and are discussed briefly below.


Directly related to the goal of community and the theme of involvement is the council's role as advisory boards. 为了完成这个角色, council members assume responsibility for the quality of life in the residence hall community and become actively involved in enhancing the quality of life for themselves as well as others. This role entails assessing and accurately representing the needs and concerns and working with the hall staff to develop alternative solutions.


与社区目标相关的还有理事会的服务角色. Involvement in community service teaches students responsibility to the larger community of which they are a part, 因此,《newbb电子平台》强调了这一点.

While individual projects with community service organizations are certainly appropriate to this role, Hall Councils are strongly encouraged to select one organization and develop an ongoing relationship. Councils are urged to utilize the Center for Community Service within the 校园参与中心, 位于357贝克大学中心(593-4007).


Tied closely to the goal of student development is the council's role as programming bodies. Though traditionally viewed by themselves and others as planners of purely social programs, the hall councils have a responsibility to program in each of the areas of the holistic model. 履行这一职责需要在身体上进行编程, intellectual, emotional, career, values, 跨文化和社会领域.


NRHH是国家宿舍楼荣誉, and is dedicated to recognizing students living in the residence halls for their outstanding commitment to the community.

Membership in NRHH is comprised of the top one percent of the student population in the residence halls who excel academically as well as are involved extensively in their living environment.

由NRHH协调的活动是月度大奖, OU Spirit Paws, 以及春季领导宴会.



宿舍协会, or RHA, was previously known as the Residents’ Action Council (tRAC) and was founded in 1994. RHA is a registered student organization with the 校园参与中心 and works closely with the Department of 住房和居住生活.

All students living in the residence halls of Ohio University are invited and welcome to join RHA. 每一栋住宅楼或建筑群, totaling 22, designates a representative that serves as the liaison between RHA and the individual hall / complex council. These representatives are among the students that attend weekly general body meetings.

RHA strives to unite the students in the residence halls by giving them an active voice and improving relations with the Ohio University administration. RHA提供并支持社交, cultural, recreational, 以及针对在校学生的教育项目.

Mission Statement

RHA at Ohio University recognizes the desire for advancement of the residential community; therefore, RHA strives to motivate and involve students through advocacy and programming by providing support and an open forum of ideas within the community of residence halls.

Vision Statement

RHA will designate funding for hall councils and their programming as well as for larger events sponsored by the organization, 有可能与其他组织共同赞助. RHA will assess and evaluate the wants and needs of on-campus students to be an informed advocate. Additional emphasis will be placed on improvement of physical facilities through a Capital Improvement Fund. RHA will provide active training and leadership development opportunities for hall council leaders in addition to facilitating participation in NACURH to implement new ideas on campus and providing community through ongoing projects.


更多信息请访问 OHIO RHA.