
M.S. 在物理


物理 & 天文学 Department offers the Master of Science degree, which is achieved through a combination of research and coursework. M.S. 学位可以通过提交一篇研究论文并通过口试和至少14个学分的研究生水平的讲座或物理实验课程来获得 & 天文学. It can also be obtained under a non-thesis option, 哪一项要求圆满完成学院批准的项目(一到四个学分)和部门的六门核心课程. 该系的研究范围广泛,包括天体物理学和宇宙学, 生物物理学, condensed matter and surface sciences, and nuclear and particle physics. Experimental and theoretical studies take place in these areas. 此外,跨学科和跨部门的项目也是可能的.


  • Astrophysics and Cosmology: 学生将学习宇宙及其内部结构的运作和演化背后的物理原理, 包括明星, 黑洞, 星系, and cosmological large-scale structure.  该计划将观测和理论研究与观测或理论天体物理学的论文项目相结合.  观测工作可以通过newbb电子平台的MDM观测站份额和/或其他国家和国际观测站完成.
  • 生物物理学: Students will learn the physics, 这门涉及数学和生命科学原理的强跨学科研究领域, where concepts of physics, 数学, and biology are combined to study how living things work. newbb电子平台’s Quantitative Biology Institute, 跨学科的神经科学计划和生物工程计划促进了这种高级培训. Students will often work in collaboration with biologists, bioengineers and mathematicians on campus or off campus. 此外,他们还可以访问并学习如何利用新兴的计算技术.
  • Condensed Matter and Surface Science 物理: 学生将学习控制凝聚态物理的基本原理, including phenomena at atomic, nano -, meso- and macroscopic scales for crystalline solids and amorphous materials. The program combines experimental and theoretical studies in all these areas. 实验工作可以在雅典校园内使用最先进的设施和/或与国家设施合作完成. 理论物理的研究范围从分析模型发展到计算物理.
  • Nuclear and Particle 物理: Students will learn the basic principles that govern sub-atomic particles, 从核子的夸克-胶子亚结构到复杂核子的组成. 该计划包括理论和实验部分以及核物理学在天体物理学中的newbb电子. Experimental work is performed in the on-campus Edwards Accelerator Laboratory, 或外部设施,包括托马斯·杰斐逊和布鲁克海文国家实验室. 理论研究包括计算研究和分析模型.


Students achieving the M.S. 可以继续攻读物理学和天文学或其他领域的研究生课程. They can also obtain positions as professional scientists. M.S. 美国大多数物理学家/天体物理学家职位的最低专业资格是什么. 

Graduation 需求 for the M.S. 学位

M.S. Non-论文选项

  1. 圆满完成构成研究生核心课程的六门核心课程.
  2. Minimum of 30 semester hours.
  3. 教师 approved project (one to four credits).

论文 requirement: No


Comprehensive exam: No

Expected time to degree if studying full-time:  2 years

M.S. 通过论文

  1. Minimum of 30 semester hours.
  2. 至少修完编号为5xxx的物理和天文学研究生实验和/或讲座课程14个学分, 6 xxx, 7xxx excluding research courses PHYS 6940 and PHYS 6950.
  3. Submission of research thesis and oral examination.

论文 requirement: Yes


Comprehensive exam: No

Expected time to degree if studying full-time:  2 years

Culminating Experiences

  • 教师-approved project (non-thesis option).
  • Oral defense of a written thesis (thesis option).

M.S. 通过论文

A student wishing to complete an M.S. 毕业论文必须修习至少14学分的研究生物理、天文学实验或讲座课程.

他们还必须向一个由三名教员组成的委员会提交一篇研究论文,并就该研究通过口头考试. 通常, 提交论文和随后的考试发生在学生在newbb电子平台的第二年结束. 论文的最终副本必须在口试日期前至少两周交到委员会成员手中. Following the examination, 委员会最多有三天的时间向学生提供意见和更正.

考试包括学生对研究的陈述, followed by questions from the thesis committee. 这些问题的设计是为了测试学生对他或她所做的研究的理解. 委员会也可以调查学生对他或她为M所做的工作的背景知识.S.

需求 for the M.S. 当学生取得足够的讲座/实验课程学分时,完成论文, 我通过了这次口试, and submitted the approved thesis document to the College of Arts & 科学.

M.S. Non-论文选项

M.S. can be earned under a non-thesis option. 这需要圆满完成一项学院批准的研究项目(一到四个学分)。, and the Department's set of six core courses (5041, 6001, 6011, 6020, 6021, 和6031年, 见下文). 典型的是M.S. 学生将在第一年修完所有核心课程,修完的顺序如下:


  • PHYS 5041 Mathematical Methods
  • 物理6001力学
  • PHYS 6020 Quantum Mechanics I


  • PHYS 6011 Statistical Mechanics
  • PHYS 6021 Quantum Mechanics 2
  • PHYS 6031 Electrodynamics

入学 需求 

进入本课程的学生通常要求已经成功完成力学专业的本科学习, electricity and magnetism, 热力学, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics. They should also possess a working knowledge of 数学 including calculus, ordinary differential equations, 傅里叶级数, 矢量分析, and basic elements of partial differential equations. The Verbal and Quantitative GRE General Tests are optional. 物理 GRE Subject Test is optional. 本科准备的不足不应该阻止一个在其他方面成绩良好的未来学生, as these may be made up during the first year of graduate study.

没有具体的截止日期,但大多数经济援助申请在1月9日之前收到. 15 and most offers are made by April 15. 大多数学生在秋季进入物理课程,尽管有些学生增加了之前的夏季课程. Entry during the academic year is possible although not generally encouraged. For all details concerning graduate programs, contact the Chair of the 研究生 招生 Committee (physicsgradapps@俄亥俄州.edu).


The graduate program mission is to: (a) give our students a thorough grounding in the theoretical and experimental knowledge required to be a professional physicist; (b) partner students with faculty to perform cutting-edge research on joint projects with direct supervision and intense feedback; and (c) initiate them into the worldwide scholarly community and improve their oral and written communication skills through writing of research papers, presentation of results at conferences and seminars, and production of theses and dissertations. 

Program Learning Objectives

  • Develop analytical skills and the ability to solve problems.
  • Achieve a good understanding of physical laws and principles.
  • Gain experience with measurement techniques and equipment.
  • Develop the ability to assess uncertainties and assumptions.
  • 能够口头(带论文)和书面(不带论文)展示调查结果。.
  • Acquire facility in the use of 数学 to solve problems and test hypotheses.