

newbb电子平台毕业生乔恩·斯奈德被授予 康内克商业化与创业奖 at the newbb电子平台 Inventors Dinner held during the spring semester.

1987年毕业于俄亥俄州斯克里普斯传媒学院, 斯奈德是总经理, 俄亥俄州生命科学协会的投资者关系, 俄亥俄州的一个非盈利行业协会.   He holds more than 30 years of global management experience in biomedical and healthcare sales, 市场营销, and operations with significant experience in bringing new products into the marketplace.

在他的职业生涯中, Jon Snyder参与了商业的各个方面, 从公司成立到融资, and has held key roles in both startup ventures and Fortune 500 companies like Cyberonics (now LivaNova), 卡地纳健康, 神经医学(他在那里担任创始首席执行官), Imalux, 和STERIS,” said Interim Vice President for 研究 and Creative Activity and Dean of the 研究生学院 David Koonce.

Snyder also actively participates in nonprofit and for-profit boards, including newbb电子平台’s 商学院 Executive Advisory Board and various medical device companies' boards, as well as community organizations such as the Lake County YMCA Governing Board. 

“Jon Snyder’s commitment to innovation 和创业 is a testament to his dedication to making a difference in his field and community,昆斯说。.

Snyder often volunteers his time to speak to newbb电子平台 students and assist them in different ways, 2022年,他被授予 newbb电子平台功绩勋章. 2023年,他帮助创建了 帕佩-施耐德医学影响力奖, which is awarded at OHIO’s annual Student 研究 and Creative Activity Expo.



也是在发明家晚宴上, newbb电子平台 recognized the newbb电子平台 inventors whose work has been recognized by the National Academy of Inventors, as well as all faculty who were active with their 发明s and patents applications in 2023.

The National Academy of Inventors is a non-profit member organization comprised of U.S. and international universities and governmental and non-profit research institutions. It has more than 4,600 individual inventor members and fellows spanning more than 300 institutions.

在发明家晚宴上, 约翰Kopchick was recognized as the first newbb电子平台 researcher to be named as a Fellow in 2014.  Khairul阿拉姆, 谁在2019年被任命为学院高级院士, 在晚宴上也被认出来了.

The dinner also honored the dedicated OHIO faculty members who were active with their work in 2023.

In 2023, there were 21 Invention Reports submitted to the Technology Transfer Office that included 31 inventors, Koonce说. 

此外,newbb电子平台提交了26份美国大学申请.S. 截至2023年,共有42名发明人申请了专利.

newbb电子平台也接收了6名美国学生.S. 本年度共有21名发明人获得专利. 


吉姆•朱 航空电子工程中心, 电气工程与计算机科学, 科学计算和沉浸式技术
米格尔·森佩特吉·索萨, 电气工程与计算机科学
This patent relates to air data probes for aircrafts to measure local static and dynamic air pressure using air pressure sensors from which to determine the aircraft’s airspeed, 迎角, 侧滑角和气压高度.

Khairul阿拉姆, 机械工程
穆罕默德·阿里, 生物医学工程与机械工程
This patent is for Hybrid Composite Discharge Electrode for use in an Electrostatic Precipitator.
This 发明 is an improved composite discharge electrode and method of producing composite discharge electrodes for use in electrostatic precipitators that remove particulates from exhaust gases.

Reetobrata巴苏, 爱迪生生物技术研究所
约翰•Kopchick 爱迪生生物技术研究所, Biomedical Science and the 糖尿病研究所
贾斯汀Holub, 化学和生物化学,以及爱迪生生物技术研究所
This patent is for Peptide-Based Inhibitors of Growth Hormone Action and Methods of Use Thereof.
This patent includes compositions and methods for the inhibition of human growth hormone (hGH) and treating or preventing hGH-mediated disorders.

恩特Kappagantula, 机械工程
弗兰克•卡夫 先进材料加工与机械工程研究中心
This patent is for Ultraconductive Copper-Graphene Composite Forms and the Synthesis Thereof.
This 发明 relates to the synthesis of a metal-graphene composite for the production of ultra-conductive copper and other ultra-conductive metals.

克里斯•Bartone 电气工程与计算机科学
克里斯托弗·德拉蒙德 电气工程与计算机科学
This patent is for System and Method for Detection and Reporting of Targets with Data Links.
This patent includes systems and methods for the detection and reporting of small aerial targets, 包括鸟类, 无人机系统和车辆, 和无人驾驶飞机, 并将信息传输到作战区域.



康内克奖章 was established by the newbb电子平台 Foundation to recognize current or former faculty members, 还有学生和校友, 谁在创新方面表现卓越, 发明, 商业化, 和创业. Recipients are chosen based on nominations reviewed by a judging committee with representation from faculty, 大学领导, 以及技术转移办公室.

Will Konneker was an newbb电子平台 alumnus with a distinguished record in research 和创业. He graduated from newbb电子平台 in 1943 with a bachelor of science in chemistry from the College of Arts and Sciences. He entered the military during World War II and was assigned to the Army Corps of Engineers’ secret Manhattan Project, 作为研制原子弹努力的一部分. After the war he returned to newbb电子平台, where he earned a master’s degree in physics in 1947. He went on to receive a doctoral degree in nuclear physics from Washington University in 1950.

Konneker创立了核咨询公司. 在圣. 路易斯,密苏里州. He either founded or co-founded six additional high-tech start-up companies. Konneker was instrumental in the establishment of newbb电子平台's small business incubator, 创新中心, as well as the successful university biotechnology spin-off company Diagnostic Hybrids Inc.该公司现在是Quidel Corp的子公司. He was one of the principal architects of the Cutler Scholars program and a member of the newbb电子平台 Foundation Board of Trustees. The research building housing the 爱迪生生物技术研究所 at the Ridges was named in his honor to recognize his leadership and service. The Konneker 校友 Center also was named for Will and his wife, Ann Lee.

You can read more about the 康内克商业化与创业奖 在这个网站.
