Gresham and Peters watch as Randall and Lang demonstrate how the Noldus Information Technology Observation suite works.
俄亥俄州 Professors Examine How Friends Influence Social Anxiety



newbb电子平台是 被美国大学评为全球最佳大学之一.S. 新闻 & 世界报道它的心理学专业在世界上名列前茅. 

U.S. 新闻 also ranks the 在线心理学课程 as best in Ohio and tied for 34th in the nation.


心理学系给的是B.S. 解析:选B.S. 在心理前物理治疗中, 在线学士学位, 还有两个心理学博士研究生学位.

俄亥俄州的 心理与社会工作诊所 offers a range of telehealth psychological services to the community at competitive prices.

俄亥俄州 psychology students — boldly going where none have gone before

在原版《newbb电子平台》电视节目的开场白中, the captain of the Starship Enterprise claimed that space was the final frontier. 虽然我喜欢这部剧,但这对我来说似乎从来都不是真的. Every science is exploring and seeking new understandings at its frontier. 这对心理学来说当然是正确的.


在newbb电子平台, 学生们将获得有关这些地区的知识, learn how to evaluate proposed 理论 and applications (e.g., interventions), and join the intrepid as they boldly go where none have gone before.

—Dr. 杰弗里·B. 温哥华,椅子



Prepare for careers in psychology, health and human services, 业务, research 和更多的

心理学家既进行基础研究,也进行newbb电子研究, 担任顾问, 诊断和治疗病人, 教未来的心理学家, 测试智力和个性, 作为医疗保健提供者工作. This field also prepares students for psychology-related careers in health and human services, 业务, 销售, 人力资源, 和更多的.

心理学事业 & 实习



The newbb电子平台 心理与社会工作诊所 is an outpatient behavioral health service clinic supported by the 心理学系 as a clinical training site for graduate student clinicians. The clinic offers a range of psychological services to the community at competitive prices. 


Strouds Run的日落

Why 俄亥俄州的 心理学 Program is among the Best in the World 

newbb电子平台是 被美国大学评为全球最佳大学之一.S. 新闻 & 世界报道它的心理学专业在世界上名列前茅.

庆祝100周年: 俄亥俄州 has been offering psychology 度 for 100 years, and the psychology 程序 is still growing— in both student numbers and research quality.

日益增长的人数在过去的五年里, the department has seen a 68% growth in undergraduate psychology majors as it added an 在线心理学课程 它已经很流行了 当面本科. 为了获得最大的灵活性, 雅典-based students can take courses in person or online, 按他们认为合适的方式混合. Soon psychology will be an official major on 俄亥俄州’s regional campuses as well.

What’s different about 俄亥俄州’s undergraduate psychology degree? 俄亥俄州提供B.S. 心理学专业,而许多大学提供B.A. 度. 部门的B.S. reflects its scientific pursuit and commitment to research through an innovative scholarly environment that fosters the cross-disciplinary exchange of expertise, 理论, and methods and encourages the development of collaborative research partnerships involving faculty, 研究生, 本科生.

本科生研究: Many undergraduate psychology students are research assistants in faculty labs. 本科生每年的总收入约为 350 credit hours per year working on psychology research projects. 有些已经和教师一起发表了文章. 许多人在专业会议上发表过演讲, thanks to department funding for under研究生 to travel to these conferences with faculty mentors.

国际知名研究人员: 心理学教师 have published more than 420 articles and presented over 1,在过去的七年里,在会议上发表了1000篇论文. Collectively, the psychology faculty have been cited over 30,000 times. The 心理学系 maintains an international reputation in many research areas, 包括健康心理学, 社会判断和行为决策, 干预设计和结果评估. 教师们收到了2美元.5元及1元.5 million in external research funding per year over the last seven years.

敬爱的老师和导师: The average student evaluation ratings for psychology courses is 4.满分5分,46分.

职业咨询和就业安排: Between 81% to 90% of the psychology undergraduates who go into the workforce are employed within three months of graduation (between 2016-2020). 心理咨询和资源中心 provides undergraduate psychology majors and minors with the resources and guidance they need to explore the field of psychology and to prepare them for psychology-related careers in health and human services, 业务, 销售, 人力资源, 和更多的. The center also prepares students for graduate 心理学专业 and for professional 程序s such as law school, 医学院, 还有健康项目,比如物理治疗, 咨询, occupational therapy and other psychology fields that require a master’s degree or more. 参观该中心的游客给它打了4分.46 out of a 5-point schedule in terms of helpfulness and 4.满意度72分.

加速毕业途径: The department offers a path directly from the undergraduate 程序 to a 心理科学硕士 通过研究生加速衔接项目. 心理学 was the first department at 俄亥俄州 to offer such a 程序.

两个Ph值.D. 心理学专业:俄亥俄州 doctoral 度 in both experimental psychology and clinical psychology. Ph值.D. in Clinical 心理学 is accredited by the American Psychological Association. (美国心理协会不认可实验项目.) The psychology graduate 程序s each have about 26 to 32 students. 学生和教师的比例是3:1 实验心理学博士.D. 程序 和3.5比1赔率 临床心理学博士.D. 程序.

研究生的经济支持:所有Ph值.D. 学生可以获得 津贴和/或学费减免 一直到第五年. 大约25%的人担任研究助理(RAs), 35%担任助教(助教), and 40% as instructors of record (no sooner than year three and after trained to teach).

临床学生结果临床项目引以为傲的是 100%的学生在寻求获得认可的实习机会, which is the last step in the 程序, have obtained them for the last 10 years. Also, 83% who enter the clinical 程序 graduate (2012-2016).

学生研究人员,作者和演讲者在过去的七年里, 研究生已发表论文518篇, 其中159篇论文的第一作者是学生. 本科生已经发表了30篇论文, 在此期间(2015-2021年)有7位第一作者. 研究生 students have been on 606 posters and presentations, 第一作者265人, 本科生99人,其中第一作者32人. The college and the department provide funds for travel to conferences where 研究生 are presenting.

成功的毕业生:毕业后, doctoral students have garnered salaries averaging around $50,000 to $60,000, 但最多110美元,000.